BMS is a community made up of everyone who believes that the best version of each of us is in constant evolution.
We are not fans of instant transformations. We believe that we can inspire each other to learn and adopt the best daily habits for developing our body, mind and soul. We believe in the power of positive influence and an environment surrounded by examples that prove to us that we can be better.
We are proudly from Portugal. We are a team formed by and linked to professionals in physical exercise, nutrition, education and training. But above all, we are athletes. Everyday athletes, through the lifestyle we adopt. In the same way, we believe that every human being can become the athlete they represent to themselves, the best example they know.
We believe that all people can be and live better when accompanied and influenced in a human way.
We believe in the importance of the right words at the right time. We will never promise you magic. But together we will be better, truly.
Alone we go fast. Together we go far.
The most important thing we take on is ourselves.