Balanças de Bioimpedância: Um jogo de azar
Se há algo que adoro, é aquele momento matinal em que subo para a balança de bioimpedância e aguardo o veredicto, como se fosse um oráculo moderno da forma física....
Body Mind Soul |
Se há algo que adoro, é aquele momento matinal em que subo para a balança de bioimpedância e aguardo o veredicto, como se fosse um oráculo moderno da forma física....
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“Sometimes it’s better to seem than to be”, we’ve all heard this expression at some point. The truth is that “seeming” really does have some effect. The famous Placebo Effect....
Body Mind Soul |
Entering a gym can be like opening a book. Between machines that should come with an instruction manual and people who seem to live for training, we, mere mortals, always...
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The purchase and taking of a supplement should be done with some discernment. We have all certainly come across a supplement that promises the world, and it is in these...
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In the 21st century, the search for the perfect body has become a true global obsession. Between daily routines, the demands of modern life and the comfort of a sedentary...
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Vitamin D deficiency is a growing concern in many countries, including Portugal. A study of the Portuguese population indicated that a large proportion of the population has insufficient levels of...
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Cancel culture has more and more followers, perhaps because it gives a feeling of superiority, and the trend of taking photos in the gym or documenting a workout is a...
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Intermittent fasting has gained extreme relevance in recent years, both among people who tested and “discovered” the Holy Grail of diets, and among nutritionists and other professionals linked to the...
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This statement must already be known by everyone and at some point, already said somewhere in our lives. But is it actually true?
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The relationship between the menstrual cycle and strength performance is a topic that has generated a lot of curiosity and debate.
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The central idea of the "Food First" philosophy is that athletes should prioritize obtaining the majority of their nutrients through whole foods and beverages.
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Strength training, in addition to increasing muscle strength, offers several benefits for general health and can be seen as a form of preventive medicine.
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